Forgotten Heroes - 9/11 Still Killing

Over 70,000 people were exposed to the lethal mixture of materials contained in the Ground Zero fallout.Thousands are already sick, and hundreds have already died from, or are suffering with, life ending illnesses. Support them now.
Dear Friends,
Recently a retired NYPD detective, who has been a long time friend and customer, stopped into the shop. He proceeded to tell me that his 37 year old son (expecting his 4th child next week) nearly died a few

weeks ago from sudden kidney failure, and was since diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma. Multiple Myeloma is a very rare blood and bone cancer, which almost never appears in people under the age of 70. The son, until his illness forced him off the job, was with the NYPD Bomb Squad, and the cancer, is almost certainly the result of his months working at the Fresh Kills landfill searching the Ground Zero debris.
It is currently estimated that 40,000 people worked Ground Zero and Fresh Kills, and the Federal Government acknowledges as many as 71,000 are considered "at risk" from their exposure to the toxic cocktail that enveloped lower Manhattan.
I believe that number may be much higher when you factor in everyone who had to clean the apartments, storefronts, offices and streets following the World Trade Center attack.
Mount Sinai Medical center reported 70% of the 10,000 Ground Zero workers they tested reported new or worsening respiratory problems since their exposure to these toxins. Now, the number of deaths attributed to Ground Zero exposure are starting to mount.
The official 9/11 death toll is 2, could easily reach 20 times that number before the full impact has been felt.
While the news media is starting to report on these matters, and the politicians and agencies responsible for the lax safety conditions, and misinformation regarding air quality, are starting to answer for it, I feel the media is not putting all the pieces together yet. The public is still oblivious to the magnitude of the problem.
Thousands of Ground Zero rescue workers and volunteers have already retired, or been placed on light duty, due to post 9/11 illness. If only 1/2 of the 71,000 figure develop medical complications, the ensuing cumulative medical costs will easily reach the Billions...yes BILLIONS. Some of these people do not have insurance, and many others who think they are covered by their job's insurance, or Workman's Compensation, will discover that the "job" does not consider the illness a "line of duty" injury, and therefore will not cover treatment.
The dollar figures that the Federal Government is currently proposing as relief or aid, will not even scratch the surface.
We need to stay informed.We must share that information with family, friends and co-workers.We can not allow our government to abandon these Forgotten Heroes.We can not forget, even for a moment, that 9/11 is Still Killing.
Thank you for taking a moment to read this. Please check back, I will post more information about this subject as it comes available. I will also post information about related charities, and web sites that are supporting our Forgotten Heroes.
Below we have provided some links that we hope will offer further light on the subject, and provide resources for those seeking treatment or information:
911 Police Aid Foundation:
Feelgood Foundation:
WTC Environmental Health Center:
World Trade Center Health Registry:
FDNY Medical Screening:
NYPD World Trade Center Resources:
NY Times - July 18th 2007:
TIME Magazine:
New York City's Official 9/11 Health Site:
Noam D. Freedman